
Meth no crackback
Meth no crackback

The same rules apply, if it crumbles into pieces it's ISO, if it doesn't break at all or in half then you've most likely found some legit meth. Another easy way is by just pinching it between your thumb and index finger pretty hard. It will break in half or maybe thirds depending on where the pressure is focused on the crystal's surface and existing fracture lines. Some of it will turn into powder, or dust (hence the street name, dust) and other parts turn into pieces about the size of a grain of rice. The key is to see how it breaks, ISO crystals are more brittle than meth which cause them to crumble by putting a little pressure on it. Real meth will take some force to crack, if you're even able to break it like that. Go ahead and press harder until it gives. But if it doesn't, don't stop and think its real. This usually causes it to break if its ISO. Put it on a hard surface then press the flat pad of your index finger onto the crystal with just a little more pressure than it takes to pick it up by having it stick to your finger for a moment. Take out a crystal about the size of a kernel of popcorn. This is an easy but effective test to determine if you have ISO. Stay away from that when you're trying to buy some. If you dump a bag of ISO out on a table or a plate and look at it eye level you can see how they're all pretty much the same height and square. They're all different unique shapes kind of like small ice bergs or shards of glass… Yeah, sometimes they can be longer like the ISO pieces but they're generally not, plus the majority of ISO crystals are long and flat so it's real easy to tell them apart if you know what to look for. The real meth shards will be jagged and very few straight flat sides. Meth shards as I'm sure you know, are clear and sparkle and have small spots of impurities that appear as cloudy spots. They're also cloudy and white with a few see-through clear spots in them. Similar to french fries or a rail-road tie or a fence post, rectangular. They're elongated and have flat straight sides, not jagged like a mountain. ISO crystals have a distinct growth to them.

meth no crackback

Not the easiest to perfect, but very effective once you do. Here are six methods to determine if what you are about to buy or have just bought is ISO: Testing your meth isn't really as hard as everyone thinks. You saved your time because you won't want it anyways. He should be cool with it unless he knows it's bunk, then he'll usually get defensive, make excuses and attempt to leave. Always try to meet your dealer in your house or his and tell him you need to test it out. Identifying the product should be the first thing you do before you make a purchase, however not every transaction allows you to test it. =Proper Identification of n-isopropylbenzylamine= It seems lots of so called "ice" out there is actually just the fake stuff.

Meth no crackback