Where Do I Find Katah Chuki Shrine: This location can be found West of the Hyrule Castle Town Ruins, near the fortification. Where Is Wahgo Katta Shrine: Located on the Southeast side of Central Hyrule, located just up the road from the Riverside Stable How Do I Find Dah Kaso Shrine: You can find this by heading West from the Great Plateau, concealed underneath the Digdogg Suspension Brdige connecting central Hyrule to the Wasteland. You will need to remove the Bramble Surrounding it, then blow up the rock’s blocking the entrance. Where Is Noya Neha Shrine: You can find this hidden inside a small cave on the island to the West of Hyrule Castle. How To Find Kaam Ya’tak Shrine: You can reach this by heading South West from the Central Tower.
Where Do I Find Rota Ooh Shrine: Its located on the West side of Central Hyrule, and is nestled in the hills up above Outskirt Stable North of the Great Plateau.